Käytettävyyden arviointi

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Usability evaluation is an integral part of developing interactive applications. In this course, the students will design, carry out, and report a real usability evaluation for a company or research group. Last year, the companies were Nokia, KoneCranes, Kone, and Teknologiateollisuus. Lecture topics: history of evaluation, usability engineering and evaluation, experimental method, quasi-experiments, design of experiments, measurement in usability, planning and implementation, analysis of data, design implications. In addition, there will be a guest lecture by a consultant or usability specialist from the industry. Note: Attandance to the course is limited to 12 students. A pre-exam will be held before the start of the course. Prerequisities: a course in HCI, usability, user interfaces, human factors, or ergonomics. Link to previous course: http://www.hiit.fi/node/1090
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2010 kevät 13.01-28.04. 3-4 Suomi


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ke 8-10 D234 Antti Oulasvirta 13.01.2010-24.02.2010
Ke 8-10 D234 Antti Oulasvirta 17.03.2010-28.04.2010