Project in Biological Sequence Analysis

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Genome resequencing competition or similar project with the goal of learning practical high-throughput sequencing data analysis skills.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2013 kevät 11.03-22.04. 4-4 Englanti Veli Mäkinen


We will do a small-scale version of this Variathon challenge. The goal is to gather knowledge on best practices in variation calling analysis, and implement a pipeline to call variants from a given read data. The project should be done in groups of size 2-3 persons. The variation calling results are evaluated, so this creates some competition between the groups. The pieces of the pipeline should be available, but glueing them together to achieve best possible results requires understanding of the data and the methods. Some coding (scripting) is also required.

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The data and instructions for the project can be downloaded here.