Nodes Research Methodologies

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
Syventävät opinnot
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2015 syksy 31.08-11.12. 1-2 Englanti Lea Kutvonen


This term there are no regular lectures.

This course can be taken in self-study form at any time. Please refer the course advise page for reading materials, learning diary advise and other instructions. 

Whenever you intend to start working on this material, please do not hesitate meeting Lea Kutvonen at her office hours or by other appointment (best done by phone) for an initial plan and arrangement of regular feedback. Please avoid sending the full set of learning diaries at once: instead, plan for allowing feedback steps within your personal working plan.

During the terms, please note interesting talks and discussion events that are likely to be suitable as basis for some of the learning diaries. These events are advertised at the departments news channels (right hand column of our home page, including PhD thesis dissertations, and visiting researchers and professors lectures. These events are open for all staff and students.

Events in autumn 2015
While I have so far referred to the fixed material advise on the previous years pages, the event list is to be updated right here.
So far there is no date announced for events we are waiting to take place.
  • newer once on the top ...
  • Several dissertation events in November and December, see department main page, main events. 
  • Sini Ruohomaa is going to give a talk on Thu 1.10. 2015 (time pending) on her experiences in industry after having completed her PhD and postdoc with us.
  • MONDAY  21.9. at 14.15 in D122 (Exactum 1.floor):  Annual  Get Together for networking and  services students and NODES staff members
    • The key point of the meeting is to see others on the same area, whether students or staff members. For students, this will be a good opportunity to discuss with staff members about current or future MSc thesis topic areas. For staff, this will be a good opportunity to get to know the students. There will be some refreshments (coffee and cookies) available.
  • Opetusnäytteet ovat periaatteessa avoimia tilaisuuksia, kunhan muistaa, että kyse on muodollisesta työnhakuun liittyvästä tapahtumasta eikä tavanomaisesta opetustilanteesta. Tilaisuudet alkavat tavallisuudesta poiketen tasatunnilta. Kysymyksiä ei sovi esittää kesken kaiken. Kun esitys ja puheenjohtajan mahdollisesti erikseen ilmoittama keskustelumahdollisuus on päättynyt, esiintyjä ja arvioiva komitea jätetään välittömästä jatkamaan tehtäviään yksityisesti ko. salissa --poistumalla isompaa häiriötä aiheuttamatta.  (on behaviour in presentations for filling vacations, currently available events take place only in Finnish)