Mobile Systems Security (with Aalto)

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Students taking this course will get a broad understanding of platform security techniques used in mobile devices today and will be exposed to open problems and research issues in this area. The course consists of six sessions plus an optional lecture. The first lecture will cover the fundamentals and background needed to understand platform security in general. Subsequent lectures will cover hardware and software platform security techniques and usability aspects of mobile platform security in particular and mobile security in general. Students will have weekly written homework exercises. In addition a student can either choose to do programming assignments or write a survey paper on an assigned topic. Evaluation will be based on homework exercises and the programming assignments or survey. Pre-requisite: Cryptography in networking (582749) or equivalent undergraduate course in security and/or cryptography. There will be no exam.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2017 kevät 10.01-06.04. 3-4 Englanti N. Asokan

Registration has started and ends on 5th of january 2017!

Pre-requisite: Cryptography in Networking (582749) or equivalent undergraduate course in security and/or cryptography.


This course will be held in Aalto University (Otaniemi).  More information about the course is on the course wiki.

Number of seats available is limited.