Seminaari: Tietoturvan testaus

Hajautetut järjestelmät ja tietoliikenne
Syventävät opinnot
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2011 kevät 19.01-27.04. 3-4 Suomi Timo Karvi


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ke 12-14 C220 Timo Karvi 19.01.2011-23.02.2011
Ke 12-14 C220 Timo Karvi 16.03.2011-27.04.2011

Information for international students

The language of the seminar is by default Finnish, but it can be changed into English, if many foreign students are taking part.


The aim of the seminar is to give an overview about current research on security testing and vulnerability analysis.  Also software engineering methologies with explicit security goals are of interest, but pure cryptography  is not a topic in this seminar.  We study relevant papers from top security conferences (see the ranking of such conferences here) and from some software engineering conferences.  Also journal articles are possible. The recommended conferences are

  • Usenics Security Symposium
  • IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
  • ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security
  • International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (Safecomp)
  • International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)
  • International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA)
  • Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS)
  • Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC)

Kurssin suorittaminen

The first meeting is January 19th. Before that meeting, every participant should select at least three articles from three different conferences and send them to me one week before the meeting. Then we will decide in the first meeting which articles are used for presentations.

The seminar can be passed by giving one reasonable talk of  75 minutes  and by commenting one other talk.  Your presentation should be delivered in an article form one week before the actual presentation. Then in the presentation, slides should be used. Use Latex or Word for the article and Latex Beamer or Powerpoint for the slides. Use pdf when sending your article in email.