MSc Thesis Seminar on Algorithms and Machine Learning

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In the seminar, students working on their MSc thesis write and present their own work, review and discuss each others" work, and learn scientific writing and presentation skills. Participants must have an advisor and a thesis topic by the start of the seminar, see the seminar page for more information. The students should be committed to work actively on their thesis during the seminar.
Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2011 syksy 09.09-09.12. 1-2 Englanti Hannu Toivonen


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Pe 12-14 C220 Hannu Toivonen 09.09.2011-30.09.2011
Pe 12-14 C220 Hannu Toivonen 14.10.2011-14.10.2011
Pe 12-14 C220 Hannu Toivonen 04.11.2011-09.12.2011

Information for international students

This seminar is recommended especially for foreign students in the Algorithms and Machine Learning area. The seminar language will be English.


In the seminar, students working on their MSc thesis write and present their own work, review and discuss each others' work, and learn scientific writing and presentation skills. Participants must have an advisor and a thesis topic by the start of the seminar (see below). The students should be committed to work actively on their thesis during the seminar.

Finding a MSc topic and advisor

Some available MSc thesis topics are listed at Another channel to find an advisor and a topic is to talk with a professor, lecturer or researcher in the area you are interested in. Courses and seminars you have taken and scientific papers you have read can be good sources of inspiration and provisional topics for the MSc work. If you have a provisional topic in mind before talking to a potential supervisor, you are more likely to find an agreement. You can also contact the head of the area, Prof. Jyrki Kivinen for help in finding a supervisor.

Once you have found an advisor (with a PhD degree) and a rough topic, the first task is to write a two-page description of the topic, goals, methods, and key literature. Work on this with your supervisor until he/she is satisfied, and then proceed to formally ask for approval of the topic from Prof. Jyrki Kivinen.

General instructions on MSc thesis work, including a form for applying for approval of a thesis topic, can be found at

Kurssin suorittaminen

Students can start writing their MSc thesis once they have completed their BSc degree and have completed most compulsory advanced courses as well as all essential courses on the thesis topic. Participation in the seminar requires that the thesis topic and advisor have been approved by the first week of the seminar (see instructions and the form on page

Preliminary information of tasks performed in the seminar:

  • a high-level presentation of your MSc thesis topic: subject, goals, methods, and key literature references.
  • an introduction to the field of your MSc thesis and it's problem setting (MSc thesis plan)
  • a draft of the MSc thesis
  • reviews and feedback on written and oral presentations by other students
  • studies of material on scientific writing and presentations

Each of the presentations above will be delivered in writing and orally in the seminar. Active commentary and review of other students' work is also an essential part of taking the seminar.

Kirjallisuus ja materiaali

Material at the department

Official instructions and templates of the department:

Useful material of the MSc thesis seminar on networking and services:

Example of a MSc thesis with the highest grade: Joel Rybicki's "Exact bounds for distributed graph colouring":

Example criteria for assessing scientific papers, reports and thesis:

Useful external material

Online book  "English Communication for Scientists":

Zobel (2004): Writing for computer science:

Good tips regarding style:

Other information

This seminar is a pilot user of Turnitin ( "Turnitin improves the student writing cycle by preventing plagiarism and providing rich feedback to students."

Please, see for more information about the pilot (unfortunately currently mostly in Finnish).


Please, provide feedback on the seminar using the form at (Find the link for "MSc Thesis Seminar on Algorithms and Machine Learning" under "Advanced Studies").