Seminar in Empirical Software Engineering

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Vuosi Lukukausi Päivämäärä Periodi Kieli Vastuuhenkilö
2016 syksy 07.09-31.12. 1-2 Englanti Fabian Fagerholm


Aika Huone Luennoija Päivämäärä
Ke 14-16 C220 Fabian Fagerholm 07.09.2016-07.09.2016
Ke 14-16 B121 Fabian Fagerholm 14.09.2016-19.10.2016
Ke 14-16 B121 Fabian Fagerholm 02.11.2016-14.12.2016


The focus of this seminar is in contemporary topics of empirical software engineering research and practice. The seminar work can be based on literature, but applying empirical software engineering methods for investigating and reporting experiences or practices in software companies or other development organisations is highly encouraged (in this case, suitable literature is still needed to show related work and methods). For literature-based topics, a topic and papers that have appeared in recent conferences or journals can be taken as a starting point. For example, the following are good sources for topics:

Topics on relevant research methods are of interest and can often be found in papers in the above fora.

Kurssin suorittaminen

The seminar will be organised close to the format of a scientific software engineering conference with peer-review practice. The course uses the conference acronym ESES2016.

Each participant writes a scientific paper (at least in the form and style) and submits it to the "conference" of the course. The paper will be peer-reviewed by course staff and other seminar participants. In addition, everyone presents the paper as in a conference.

The course will use the EasyChair conference management system (conference address: in which paper, reviews and revised paper will be returned. Details on accessing and using the system will be given in the seminar sessions.

The paper will be formatted using IEEE conference template, which can be found from A suitable length of a seminar paper in this format is 6-10 pages.


The grade for the seminar is given based on the written paper (40%), reviews given to other students and activity in the course (30%) and presentation (30%).

For further information on schedule, sessions, and presentations, please click the corresponding tab at the top.