Second International Workshop on Cross Enterprise Collaboration (CEC)








Second International Workshop on Cross Enterprise Collaboration (CEC)



Workshop Themes

The workshop theme and preliminary research questions for which we encourage submissions include, but are not limited to:


  • Models, methods, formalisms, and languages that focus on the control and coordination of cross enterprise collaboration in different domains
  • Dynamic flow engines that can support such models and provide the flexibility required for runtime adaptation and evolution
  • Adaptation, versioning and evolution of process, work, collaborating organizations and collaboration patterns
  • Metrics, sensors, and E2E monitoring that span both the horizontal cross-enterprise collaboration and the vertical stacks of providers and suppliers
  • Governance, safeguarding and securing management and coordination across the collaborating enterprises and their providers and suppliers
  • Non-functional aspects such as trust and reputation, quality, and so on, in cross-organizational ecosystems definable in service-level agreements
  • Extending SOA formalisms and constructs to facilitate the definition, dispatch, and orchestration of work as services that can be carried out by and for organizations
  • Context, data, and knowledge management as required for managing and coordinating work across organizations and their interrelationship with the domain data, tools, and processes
  • Processes that are intended to support cross enterprise collaboration and their relationship to domain specific processes
  • IT, middleware, systems, tools, and framework that support cross enterprise collaboration, and their relationship with current enterprise or domain specific tools and IT
  • The role of people and other resources in the management and coordination of cross-enterprise work
  • Utilization of Crowd Sourcing and social computing paradigms for the coordination and/or execution of work and business processes that span across organizational boundaries
  • The application of centralized Command and Control centers that act as Hubs to facilitate cross-organization collaboration
  • What is cross enterprise collaboration and what does it mean for organizations to collaborate? How does it differ from people or team collaborations?
  • Use cases and examples of successful cross-organization collaborations in different domains