Programming in C (with Aalto)

Software Systems
Intermediate studies
Kurssilla opitaan ohjelmoimaan standardin mukaisella C-kielellä. Esitietoina oletetaan Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit sekä Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Ohjelmointi. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä viikolla ja ne tehdään ohjelmointipajassa. Kurssiin ei enää liity harjoitustyötä, vaan pajatyöskentely sisältää sekä harjoitukset että harjoitustyön. Kurssilla oletetaan, että jokaisella on käytössä jokin C-oppikirja, esim. Müldner, T.: C for Java Programmers, Addison-Wesley, 2000, tai Kernighan B.W. & Ritchie D.M.: The C Programming Language (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, 1988. (ANSI C edition).


23.10.2014 16.00 A111
Year Semester Date Period Language In charge
2014 autumn 01.09-17.10. 1-1 English Tiina Niklander


Time Room Lecturer Date
Wed 16-18 B123 Tiina Niklander 03.09.2014-03.09.2014

Kaikki ilmoittautuvat jonotusryhmään! Harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä luentoviikolla. Harjoitusryhmät pidetään pajassa, jossa tehtävät ratkotaan yhdessä muiden opiskelijoiden sekä ohjaajien kanssa. Ohjaajien läsnäoloajat ilmoitetaan piakkoin.

Exercises begin on the first lecture week. The schedule for exercises will be published soon.



The course has been graded. 100 students participated to the exam. 84 were accepted. Over 50% of the accepted students got the highest grade 5.

I lowered the exam point requirement from 10 to 9, because of the complaints about the question 1 with the main function. However, being able to write main function and process the command line arguments are very important. I also passed with grade 1 students who only got 8 points from the exam.

There are also 6 students, who got enough points in the exam, but the mooc points are missing.

If you want to find out more about the grading of your exam paper, please send me an email and make a specific appointment for that.


Course material during the course:

NOTE: Exam info: no extra material or calculator. 4 questions, two of which are programming tasks, one essay and one surprise question. Exam based on the Aalto material and exercises. Exam questions in English and Finnish.

The course is organised as on-line course. There is only a startup lecture and weekly guidance available in paja.

NOTE:  There is the 80% requirement for progress, but it applies only if you want to progress to the next module before the deadline of the current module has not expired yet.  Since this is our first try with this material, students are allowed to do also smaller amout of weekly tasks and stil be able to progress, but then you cannot start doing the next module until the lecturer opens it manually some time Wednesday afternoon.



The basic idea for paja guidance is to have paja personnel available for C programming students on Mondays. The paja schedule will be adjusted also during the periods.

The first paja guidance will be available on Monday 8.9.    10-14 in BK107  and 16-18 in BK107.  (If no other information is given the same times apply also during the following weeks, but there can be some variations.)

29.9. - 13.10. Guidance in BK107 all times
29.9. Guidance 18-20 instead of 16-18


For setting up the TMC user account and environment see:

If you wish not to use netbeans and its plugins, there is an unofficial program for command line submissions to tmc:

You can also discuss all course related issues in the IRC channel #cee. Paja personnel will also follow this channel.

Completing the course

You must submit the online tasks within the given deadlines (weekly Wednesday at 14.00) and pass the course exam to pass the course.

The course will contain 6 modules.

Module 1: Deadline Wednesday 10.9. at 14.00  (and the other modules continue one per week).


Course will be graded based on the TMC accepted submissions (60%) and the course exam (40%). Each week will give you maximum of 5 course points (10% of course points), total of TMC is then 30 points. The exam will cover 40% of the course points. Maximum number of points available from the exam is 20. You will need to get  at least 25 points to pass the course, 10 of the points must be from the exam.

Literature and material

In addition to the on-line course material, you need to use a good quality c-programming course book during the course.

On-line course material is available from Please notice that you must do the exercises on the local tmc environment in the address

Slides of the start-up lecture.