582347 Simulation-based User Interface Design

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Simulation testing of user interfaces

Have seen someone using a computer program.

Can find problem areas in the user interface based on other methods than opinions.

Know the idea of simulation testing.

Can find some usability problems through simulation testing, though often misses some of the primary problems.

Can do a simulation test of the user interface for an existing application or a self-made prototype.

Can find the primary problem areas and can categorize them according to efficiency and learnability viewpoints. On efficiency problems, can make a difference between mechanical work and mental work (cognitive work).

Can compare two different user interface designs with the help of simulation, and pinpoint the differences. Can use this method to order alternative designs according to their merits if they are different enough.

Know that there are other methods for testing user interfaces.

Know how to apply other testing and evaluation methods.

Always select the testing method that suits the current situation best.

Designing of user interfaces

Know how to write some code, and based on their own programming experience know how computer programs can or cannot react to the user’s input.

Know how to create functional logic of a user interface that can be programmed.

Can create a user interface where given scenarios can be carried out, and can present it with screenshots.

Can demonstrate a use scenario with screenshots, using realistic data samples, though do not quite understand usefulness of this kind of demo techniques.

Can design a user interface for a simple basic application, to support given real-life scenarios.

Know how to compare functionality and data contents that arise from the support of realistic scenarios with those that are specified without scenarios. Can analyse the differences with the help of scenarios and some cognitive viewpoints.

Aware of at which point of the design process to concentrate on efficiency and when on learnability. Can select pertinent viewpoint.

Can demonstrate user interface designs with the help of scenarios and screenshots, and understand why real cases are useful in demonstrations.

Can document the functional logic of a user interface with the help of a series of screenshots.

Produce user interfaces by applying a systematic design process.

Can compare different user interface design processes and their consequences.

Can see the connection between the user interface design process and other requirements specifications.

User interface solutions

Have used a program with a graphical user interface.

Know the common user interface components.

When reaching a difficult phase in the design process, know they can select the best alternative by simulating the scenario.

Can apply some highly usable designs in some real cases.

Can use simulations to make better user interfaces than without simulations.
When encountering difficulties in the design process, routinely start searching for the best solution with the help of simulations.

Can see some of the design patterns and principles that occur repeatedly in user interface design, and can argue for why these designs are better than others in a given case.

Can pinpoint the user's decision-making moments in use scenarios and can create designs that support them.

Start to grasp the common principles of good design.

Realistic scenarios as input and test cases for the design process

Have used a computer program to solve a situation of everyday life.

Know that you can discover realistic scenarios by interviewing users or monitoring their working routines.

Can use free text to describe a scenario, though a great deal of useless data is included and some primary aspects have been left out. However, the idea of the scenario can be understood.

Can go to the workplaces of users to chart scenarios by interviewing users and / or monitoring their work routines.

Can fairly extensively take note of the primary data for the design process.

On other courses and at work, immediately find out the primary cases to employ when designing and testing user interfaces.

Pick out the crucial data of real-life cases for the design process and categorise the cases.

Know which cases are useful for the user interface design process. Can select and take note of them.

Understand how we can achieve more authentic data by watching users work than just by interviewing them.

Are familiar with other methods of field study and know how to apply them.


08.09.2011 - 14:16 Sari A Laakso
08.09.2011 - 14:01 Sari A Laakso