Scientific Writing for MSc in Computer Science
Scientific Writing for MSc in Computer Science
Scientific Writing for MSc in Computer Science
No subprogramme
Other studies
The course focuses on skills needed in scientific writing: searching, selecting and reading scientific articles, making notes during reading, organising your material, and writing scientific article itself. We also discuss some writing-related ethical issues, like stealing, cheating, and plagiarism, which are not tolerated by the academic community. You will write an approximately 10-pages long scientific article on a topic given by the instructor following the department"s guidelines for master thesis and seminar papers. You will also practice reviewing articles. This course is only for MSc students majoring Computer Science! You are not allowed to participate if you have already passed the course!


This course is obligatory for a student who is doing the degreee in English and has not done a bachelor's degree at University of Helsinki.

The course can be done only during the period 1. There are no exams in the course.

This course can be required to be done, before starting a seminar.


This course replaces the earlier Orientation to MSc studies for students who have started their studies before Fall 2012.




Annually in period 1

Upcoming separate exams

No exams.

Course pages