582615 Overlay and P2P Networks (ohtk 25.8.2011)

Principal theme Prerequisite knowledge Approaches the learning objectives Reaches the learning objectives Deepens the learning objectives
Overlay and peer-to-peer networks: definitions and systems Basics of data communications and distributed systems (Introduction to Data Communications, Distributed Systems) Knowledge of how to define the concepts of overlay and peer-to-peer networks, and state their central features
Ability to describe at least one system in detail
Ability of comparing different overlay and p2p networks in a qualitative manner
Ability to assess the suitability of different systems to different use cases
Ability to give one’s own definition of the central concepts and discuss the key design and deployment issues
Distributed hash tables Basics of data communications and distributed systems (Introduction to Data Communications, Distributed Systems)
Big-O-notation and basics of algorithmic complexity
Knowledge of the concepts of structured and unstructured networks and the ability to classify solutions into these two categories
Knowledge of the basics of distributed hash tables
Ability to describe at least one distributed hash table algorithm in detail
Ability of comparing different distributed hash table algorithms
Ability of designing distributed hash table-based applications
Knowledge of key performance issues of distributed hash table systems and the ability to analyze these systems
The knowledge of choosing a suitable distributed hash table design for a problem
Familiarity with the state of the art
Reliability and performance modelling Basics of probability theory
Basics of reliability in distributed systems
Ability to model and assess the reliability of overlay and peer-to-peer networks by using probability theory
Knowledge of the most important factors pertaining to reliability
Ability of analytically analyzing the reliability and performance of overlay and peer-to-peer networks
Understanding of the design issues that are pertinent for reliable systems
Familiarity with the state of the art
Content distribution Introduction to Data Communications Knowledge of the basic content distribution solutions
Ability to describe at least one overlay and p2p network based content distribution solution
Knowledge of different content distribution systes and the ability to compare them in detail
Knowledge of several content distribution techniques
Familiarity with the state of the art
Security Basics of computer security Knowledge of the basic security issues with overlay and p2p networks
Knowledge of the sybil attack concept
Ability to discuss how security problems and limitations can be solved
Knowledge of how to prevent sybil attacks
Knowledge of how to prevent sybil attacks
Familiarity with the state of the art
28.08.2011 - 19:32 Jyrki Kivinen
04.03.2011 - 12:45 Sasu Tarkoma