582669 Supervised Machine Learning (ohtk 25.8.2011)

Pääteemat Esitiedot Lähestyy oppimistavoitetta Saavuttaa oppimistavoitteet Syventää oppimistavoitteita
Online learning: expert advice and linear classification basic linear algebra
  • Explains the basic concepts of online learning and regret bounds
  • Can implement and apply various online algorithms
  • Derives a mistake bound for Weighted Majority and its simple variants
  • proves the Perceptron convergence theorem
  • Derives regret bounds for the Aggregating Algorithms with absolute loss
  • Derives a loss bound for the Perceptron algorithm in the non-separable case
  • Analyses online learning with shifting target
  • Analyses Winnow and other alternative online linear classifiers
Statistical learning theory basic probability theory
  • Explains the basic concepts of statistical learning theory
  • Uses basic probability techniques such as Chernoff bounds and the union bound to analyse simple statistical learning situations
  • Explains the basic concepts related to Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension and Rademached complexity and applies them in simple situations
  • Can prove basic results related to VC dimension and Rademacher complexity
  • Uses covering numbers to analyse sample complexity
Support vector machines (SVMs) basic linear algebra, probability theory and calculus of one variable
  • Explains the notion of margin and applies it in simple situations
  • Formulates the hard and soft margin SVM as quadratic optimisation problems
  • Uses the kernel trick in simple situations
  • Does non-trivial mathematical manipulations to find the dual of a variety of quadratic optimisation problems related to SVMs
  • Can cite some sample complexity bounds for SVMs
  • Knows how to use some standard SVM package
  • Knows optimisations algorithms for SVMs
  • Applies SVMs to more complex settings such as structured output
28.08.2011 - 19:09 Jyrki Kivinen
25.08.2011 - 01:39 Jyrki Kivinen