Seminar: Intelligent User Interfaces

Networking and Services
Advanced studies
Year Semester Date Period Language In charge
2014 autumn 05.09-12.12. 1-2 English Petteri Nurmi


Time Room Lecturer Date
Fri 14-16 B119 Petteri Nurmi 05.09.2014-17.10.2014
Fri 14-16 B119 Petteri Nurmi 31.10.2014-12.12.2014


END SEMINAR 12.12: 12:00 - > 16:00 (12:00 - 14:00 B120, 14:00 - 16:00, B119)


CHECK UP DATE: November 7th - Send a draft of your paper by then for early feedback (non-graded, but compulsory, so send in whatever condition the work is)

Intelligent User Interfaces refer to systems that incorporate some of intelligence at the human-computer interface, with the aim of making the interaction between the human and the computer smarter. The aim of the seminar is the understand the key challenges in developing intelligent user interfaces and to get familiar with they key enabling technologies. Examples of topics of interest for the seminar include:

  • Intelligent text retrieval and access technologies (e.g., retrieval, and summarization)
  • Recommender system technologies and human factors
  • Intelligent assistants (e.g., tutoring systems, mobile guides, etc.

See, e..g, for more topics of interest


Topic Selections:

Interaction I (12.9):

  • Gesture Recognition (Yina Ye)
  • Haptic Interaction (Imtiaj Ahmed)

Speech (19.9):

  • Intelligent Conversational Assistants (Vladimir Goriachev)
  • Speech Emotion Recognition (Matti Ruoho)

Interaction II (26.9)

  • Facial Recognition for Security / Authentication (Christian Blythe)
  • Eye-Based Interaction (Marta Vasilieva)
  • Tactile Navigation (Aki Kesulahti)

Recommender Systems and Intelligent Visualization (3.10)

  • Context-Aware Recommendation Systems (Jenny Tyrväinen)
  • Human Factors in Recommender Systems (Lei Wang)
  • Intelligent Customer Analytics (Farbod Faghihi)

Human Activity in UI design (10.10):

  • Affective gaming (Tea Salento)
  • Activity Recognition as an Input Modality (Jarno Leppänen)

Completing the course

The seminar consists of:

  • Overview presentations (around 30 mins / topic) given by the participants (Period I)
  • Mini-conference / end-seminar at the end of Period II. Each participant gives a 15+5 minute presentation (15 minute presentation, 5 minutes questions)
  • Term-paper to be returned by the end-seminar (4 pages ACM SIGCHI Format (SIGCHI papers, Latex or Word), template available from:

In addition to the above, participation and discussion activity during the seminar meetings is important for a good grade.

END SEMINAR DATE: December 12, 2014, 12:00 - 16:00 (approx)

12:00 - 14:00 (B120)

14:00 - 16:00 (B119)

Literature and material

The material consists of research articles, published at relevant venues such as:

  • Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) conference series
  • User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP) conference series
  • ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems (TiiS)
  • ACM Transactions on Intelligent System Technologies (TIST)