Regularly made YPJ-evaluations will come into force on June

For your information,

All performance evaluations made regularly in YPJWeb will come into force on 1 June 2015. All changes to performance levels will be paid to all employees on the last salary payment date in June, i.e. Tuesday 30 June, whether the employees regular pay day is the 15th or last of the month. 

The sum of the holiday bonus to be paid in July is based on the June salary, i.e. the holiday bonus will reflect any change in pay. Employees who have received a performance raise (separate decision by HR manager) woll see the change on their regular pay day.

For more information, please contact HR Coordinator Jarmo Kuittinen or HR Service Managers Heidi Lassila or Joonas Kopperi.


12.06.2015 - 10:16 Mikael Haapa-aho
09.06.2015 - 13:34 Mikael Haapa-aho