Launch of CS Department women’s network

The female staff at the Department of Computer Science organised coffees for the female freshmen one month after the start of term. In accordance with the Bologna process, the happening was held in English for graduate students. All female staff and students were invited as big or little sisters, and newcomers were especially encouraged to attend.

This launch was considered very welcome. The number of women at the department is so small that female students and staff seldom meet. Many of the women immediately found practical methods for joining in the department community, such as routes into supervising duties (apprentice teaching, Linkki).

The female students had questions about the future: creating their own skill profile and ways to join in the work of research teams.

The women’s network ( will organise its next coffee at 14-16 on Thursday, 29 October, in classroom C222. In accordance with the students’ wishes, the happening has no set topic; it is intended for free-form mingling, without language or student-year barriers. Each guest may bring forth their own concerns. In future, some of the events may have introductions or workshops offered by outside companies or international women’s networks.

You can volunteer for a role suiting your skills via the web page or face to face, as well as suggest activities, join the mailing list, or recommend other networks that relate to this one. Our goal is to form a ‘big sister – little sister’ mentoring network, where each member can choose a sister to go to with their concerns.

There is still room for all comers! 

20.10.2015 - 11:16 Pauliina M J Pajunen
20.10.2015 - 11:16 Pauliina M J Pajunen