FedEx Express is a new courier service provider

We have completed the courier tender process. Tender was awarded to FedEx Express.

Through new courier service provider we will gain significant savings compared to current agreement.
New agreement, effective February 26, 2016 means that courier service provider changed to FedEx Express. Units using DHL service should start using FedEx Express.

FedEx is the supplier for the global transport services at the university. The contract prices are valid when orders are made using the FedEx ordering system (more information).

FedEx transport contract includes the following services:

  • Express export and import by air services
  • Express export and import by land services
  • Global mail business
  • Domestic transport services

Customer numbers have been created for the use of campus.

  • 733424567 Meilahti Campus
  • 733565241 Kumpula Campus
  • 733423927 Viikki Campus
  • 733523204 City Center Campus

Please contact FedEx Customer Service when need help with:

-   Shipment tracking

-  Questions related to particular shipment (normal shipments, DG, Dry Ice)

-  Pickups (DG, Dry Ice)

-  Shipping program implementation and registration

08:00 – 17:00


Tel. 010 800 515

09:00 – 16:00




02.03.2016 - 14:49 Pauliina M J Pajunen
02.03.2016 - 13:12 Pauliina M J Pajunen