PowerPoint Presentation

Our wonderful guides made a PowerPoint presentation for us! It contains a lot of photos taken throughout the entire event. You can download the entire presentation here (58.5 MB) or check out the individual photos below.


These are the photos from the guides' PowerPoint presentation. The texts are taken from the presentation. As usual, each image is a link to full-size image.

OPEKO Heinola, Finland

Thursday, Waiting for last instructions

Preparing the backpacks

Waiting for the busses

Opening Ceremonies

Heinola High School Dance Group "A Tribute to Mothers"

A warm welcome by Jari Koivisto, National Board of Education

Professor Matti Nykänen, University of Helsinki

Eagerly waiting for the Get Together

Finding out who is who

I like Letkis!!!!! :-)

Playing Mölkky

Mölkky is fun!

Different techniques

After a tight game, ice cream tastes good


Friday, Competitions start

Silent like a grave

Getting to know Heinola

The ridge

The Bird Sanctuary

Fishing Paradise

Poplar,the biggest in Finland

Mayor’s reception

Welcoming words by Pirjo Hepo-Oja, Director of Education

From the left: Tiina Laine, Jari Koivisto, Pirjo Hepo-oja

Saturday - Back at the competition

I want that banana!

Forest Trekking

Making the stickbuns is a sticky business

Snacks by the camp fire

Kari Viljanen - boss of the guides

Team Lithuania

Team Latvia

Team Estonia

Team Germany

Team Finland

Team Sweden

Team Poland

Team Norway

Team Denmark

Going home :-(

Closing Ceremonies

Here are some additional photos from the closing ceremony.