Dynamic Boundary Labeling Applet


The applet displays labels as described in the accompanying paper. On the left side of the screen is the actual map with sites to be labeled and the labels. The right side of the applet displays the dual lines of the labels as described in the paper. The red lines represent either the embedding of the merge tree or the median level of the lines depending on whether the labels are clustered or placed in a single stack. The merge tree and the median level are used to decide the placements of labels for each zoom level.

The checkboxes control whether the labels are clustered and which of the extensions presented in the paper are enabled.

Dynamic clustering decides whether the labels are clustered or placed in a single stack.
Label only visible sites controls whether the labels for the sites not on current viewport are displayed.
Keep labels within screen limits decides whether the visible labels should be kept within screen boundaries.

You can load a background image for the map from your computer from the File menu located at the top of the applet screen. You can also save the contents of either of the view panes as SVG image from the menu.

Source code of the applet: boundarylabeling.tar.gz