_______________________________________________________________________________ Hecse PROGRESS REPORT 2007 _______________________________________________________________________________ 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Address: Telephone (work/home): E-mail address: _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Start date of postgraduate studies: Thesis subject/title: Thesis date (planned or completed): Supervisor(s) and possible instructor: Support team: _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. GRADUATE COURSES AND SEMINARS COMPLETED FOR DOCTORAL DEGREE (2007) Number of courses and total credit points: Number of seminars and total credit points: Total amount of credit points: Course names and credit points _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (2007): (Publications in categories 1-3 are published in international forums). A. Monographs or books (or parts of them): B. Refereed journal articles: C. Refereed international conference articles: D. Other scientific papers (e.g., non-refereed): E. Other publications (e.g., popularising articles) Please update JULKI (students at UH) or TKKjulkaisee (students at TKK) with your publication information. (If all your publications are registered in these systems, you do not need to give a list here.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. LIST OF CONFERENCES ATTENDED (and contribution e.g., paper or poster), RESEARCH VISITS ABROAD (time, institution), summer schools, or other related events (2007) _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. SOURCE OF FUNDING (Hecse, project, department, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 7. UPDATED RESEARCH PLAN (if appropriate, please use your Hecse application plan as a basis, return as plain text or pdf) ______________________________________________________________________________