Re: SO_SNDTIMEO: 2.4 kernel bugs
Sun, 18 Feb 2001 22:48:00 +0300 (MSK)


> .. unless that page was partially written, in which case a short write
> count is returned (rather than a timeout error), and the loop goes around
> again.

sendfile() does not return on partial write and tries to push more
until error. On fast link it most likely succeeds, so that it is unkillable
even with SIGKILL.

> Which is good, because SO_SNDTIMEO is an inactivity monitor.

Then why did you blame? 8)8)

I do not think so. It is rather scheduling breaker. If connection
is idle 99% of time, but wakes each sndtimeo-1usec, it must yuild,
otherwise thread is lost for production.

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