Swapping wierdness on SparcStation 4 w/ 2.2.19

Alex Buell (alex.buell@tahallah.clara.co.uk)
Mon, 2 Apr 2001 22:06:53 +0100 (BST)

I built and installed 2.2.19 on my SparcStation 4 last night, and have
been testing it by recompiling gcc 2.95.2 over and over. Just noticed now
that it doesn't seem to swap at all, despite the fact that the swap
partition exists and is active.

Here's the output from procinfo (snipped for brevity)

Linux 2.2.19 (root@sparc4) (gcc 2.95.2 19991024 ) #6 Sun Apr 1 22:23:42 BST 2001 1CPU [sparc4.]

Memory: Total Used Free Shared Buffers Cached
Mem: 95532 89512 6020 23784 29560 37576
Swap: 131120 0 131120

Bootup: Sun Apr 1 23:45:56 2001 Load average: 1.00 1.00 1.00 3/40 19021

Here's the output from swapon -s:

[alex@sparc4]/home/alex > swapon -s
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/dev/sda2 partition 131120 0 -1

Here's the /proc/cpuinfo, in case it is relevant

[alex@sparc4]/home/alex > cat /proc/cpuinfo
cpu : Fujitsu MB86904
fpu : Lsi Logic/Meiko L64804 or compatible
promlib : Version 3 Revision 2
prom : 2.24
type : sun4m
ncpus probed : 1
ncpus active : 1
BogoMips : 109.77
MMU type : Fujitsu Swift
invall : 0
invmm : 0
invrnge : 0
invpg : 0
contexts : 256

I'm not currently subscribed to the l-k mailing list so feel free to cc me
on any replies, thanks.

I'm just too silly for you.


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