Re: symlink_prefix
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 17:10:53 +0200 (MET DST)

From Sun Jun 3 13:25:31 2001

> [One could start a subdiscussion about that part.
> The mount(2) system call needs to transport vfs information
> and per-fs information. So far, the vfs information used
> flag bits only, but sooner or later we'll want to have
> strings, and need a vfs_parse_mount_options().
> Indeed, many filesystems today have uid= and gid= and
> umask= options that might be removed from the individual
> filesystems and put into vfs. After all, such options
> are also useful for (foreign) ext2 filesystems.]

_Please_, if we do anything of that kind - let's use a new syscall.
Ideally, I'd say
fs_fd = open("/fs/ext2", O_RDWR);
/* error -> no such filesystem */
write(fs_fd. "/dev/sda1", strlen("/dev/sda1"));
/* error handling */
write(fs_fd, "reserve=5", strlen(....));
dir = open("/usr/local", O_DIRECTORY);
/* error handling */
new_mount(dir, MNT_SET, fs_fd); /* closes dir and fs_fd */
/* error handling */


I do not think this is an improvement. Anyway, it is orthogonal
to what I discussed.

[My version: keep interface constant, reorganize kernel source
to do certain things in one place instead of in several places.
Advantage: treatment becomes uniform and some options that make sense
for all filesystem types but are available today for some only
are generalized.
Your version: invent a new interface, be silent about what happens
inside the kernel.]

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