Re: Download process for a "split kernel" (was: obsolete code must die)

Daniel Phillips (
Thu, 14 Jun 2001 09:56:17 +0200

On Thursday 14 June 2001 04:00, David Luyer wrote:
> > Would it make sense to create some sort of 'make config' script that
> > determines what you want in your kernel and then downloads only those
> > components? After all, with the constant release of new hardware, isn't a
> > 50MB kernel release not too far away? 100MB?
> This might actually make sense - a kernel composed of multiple versioned
> segments. A tool which works out dependencies of the options being
> selected, downloads the required parts if the latest versions of those
> parts are not already downloaded, and then builds the kernel...

This sounds a lot like apt-get, doesn't it?

> ... (or could even
> build during the download, as soon as the build dependencies for each block
> of the kernel are satisfied, if you want to be fancy...).

This is fancier alright:

1) walk
2) run

It's the kind of power tool that will be pretty easy to graft onto ESR's new
cml2 code base. I'd love to see better apt-get hooks into the kernel

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