RE: Why use threads ( was: Alan Cox quote?)

Davide Libenzi (
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 09:10:50 -0700 (PDT)

On 21-Jun-2001 David Schwartz wrote:
> Okay, let's compare two servers.
> Server one is handling 10 file descriptors. The cost of a single call to
> poll is 3 microseconds. Assume that the server is coded to get back to
> 'poll' as quickly as it can, but due to load the code manages to call 'poll'
> every 100 microseconds, so the overhead of poll is 3% of the available CPU.

Maybe You read a paper by Richard Gooch but I think You read it wrong :

The kernel has to scan your array of FDs and check which ones are active. This
takes approximately 3 microseconds (3 us) per FD on a Pentium 100 running Linux
2.1.x. Now you might think that 3 us is quite fast, but consider if you have an
array of 1000 FDs. This is now 3 milliseconds (3 ms), which is 30% of your
timeslice (each timeslice is 10 ms). If it happens that there is initially no
activity and you specified a timeout, the kernel will have to perform a second
scan after some activity occurs or the syscall times out. Ouch! If you have an
even bigger application (like a large http server), you can easily have 10000
FDs. Scanning times will then take 30 ms, which is three timeslices! This is
just way too much.

Anyway there's no need to continue this ( quite long ) thread.

- Davide

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