Re: Again: Linux 2.4.x and AMD Athlon

Stefan Jaschke (
Sat, 14 Jul 2001 00:05:42 +0200

On Friday 13 July 2001 13:12, Thomas Foerster wrote:

> I got only one oops in inode.c (forget the actual line number)
> The rest are random application crashes on XFree 4.0.3 (GeForce2 GTS, nVidi
> DRI (older version)) The System NEVER hangs, only applications crash!
So this is off-topic, but anyway here is my experience:
The binary-only Nvidia driver consistently deep-froze my system,
i.e. screen and keyboard were dead. The system log showed, however,
that the system was still alive. Just forget the Nvidia driver...

My 2c,

Stefan R. Jaschke <>
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