Re: Determining IP:port corresponding to an ICMP port unreachable

Alexey Kuznetsov (
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 02:53:01 -2000 (MSD)


> >From my original message: "I'm able to retrieve the IP via recvmsg with the
> MSG_ERRQUEUE flag (and the IP_RECVERR sockopt), but the port that it gives
> me is bogus."

Sigh, please, send sample yet. It works here by some strange reason,
apparently, my applet is buggy. :-)

> extract the port and give it to me? It's obviously possible, since Winsock
> does it.**

Well, better ask those brave MS folks why they did this. :-)

Actually, please, check this again: I was not aware that nt posix env
break bsd api in such wicked way. This can be useful as a strong argument
in some curcumstances.

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