Re: Novell Attacks Linux

Jeff V. Merkey (
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 01:30:19 -0700

> Actually, it is very illegal to have multiple wives in Utah. The US Gov
> ernment made Utah outlaw it (I believe in the Utah constitution) in
> order for Utah to gain state-hood. I do not know why Utah doesn't
> prosecute more of the polygamists, but they have been prosecuting some.
> Many on child abuse, incest, and other charges as well. I was once
> told they don't prosecute more because it was hard to make the charge of
> polygamy stick if it was the only charge. As for the Mormons, they
> excommunicate (kick out) those who are caught practicing.

And then they join the Polygamist Mormon Church down in Manti, an LDS
spin-off. The State government only gets involved when the girls are
under 16, and forced to marry these old men. Hey, Trevor, long time
no see. Haven't seen you around for a while. How many wives do you
have, BTW? I only have one. I can't imagime trying to deal with more
than one at a time.



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