Re: [PATCH] ioctl SIOCGIFNETMASK: ip alias bug 2.4.9 and 2.2.19

Alan Cox (
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 20:45:19 +0100 (BST)

> Soldiers are marching down the street. The mother of one of those
> soldiers is ever so proud. All the other guys are marching out of
> step. Her son is the only one who does it right.
> That's what it looks like for a person who writes Internet software
> that aims to work on a wide variety of platforms.

I think you have the metaphor wrong. The older API is a bit like the
cavalry charging into battle at the start of world war one. It may have been
how everyone did it but they guys with the "newfangled, really not how it
should be done, definitely not cricket" machine guns got the last laugh

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