2.4.9-ac9 bug + patch

Francis Galiegue (fg@mandrakesoft.com)
Sat, 8 Sep 2001 05:14:34 -0400 (EDT)

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Also in 2.4.7, 2.4.9, 2.4.9-ac4, 2.4.9-ac6.

fs/locks.c, line 693:

int locks_mandatory_area(int read_write, struct inode *inode,
struct file *filp, loff_t offset,
size_t count)
struct file_lock *fl;
struct file_lock *new_fl = locks_alloc_lock(0);
int error;

new_fl->fl_owner = current->files;

No check on whether locks_alloc_lock() succeeds. Or do I miss something?

Patch follows:

--- fs/locks.c Fri Sep 7 23:06:49 2001
+++ fs/locks.c.new Sat Sep 8 01:03:50 2001
@@ -698,6 +698,9 @@
struct file_lock *new_fl = locks_alloc_lock(0);
int error;

+ if (new_fl == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
new_fl->fl_owner = current->files;
new_fl->fl_pid = current->pid;
new_fl->fl_file = filp;

Francis Galiegue, fg@mandrakesoft.com - Normand et fier de l'être
"Programming is a race between programmers, who try and make more and more
idiot-proof software, and universe, which produces more and more remarkable
idiots. Until now, universe leads the race"  -- R. Cook

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