Re: Re: BUG: cat /proc/partitions endless loop

Joachim Weller (
Fri, 28 Sep 2001 16:48:57 +0200

Christoph Hellwig <> schrieb am 28.09.01:
> In article <> you wrote:
> > I traced the problem down to drivers/block/genhd.c,
> > where the function get_partition_list() outer loop does not
> > terminate due to the last element in the structured list starting
> > with gendisk_head is not initialized to NULL, by whatever reason.
> > My fix does not cure the pointered endless loop, but prevents
> > from looping when stepping thru the pointered list.
> I think the fix could be simpler. What about:

> + for (gp = gendisk_head; gp != gendisk_head; gp = gp->next) {

This will break your for loop immedeately, because the loop criteria
is already violated by the initialization !

But I tried another solution:
for (gp = gendisk_head; gp && (gp->next != gendisk_head); gp = gp->next) {

with no success - the cat /proc/partition only printed the heading line.
This proofed to me, that the pointered list is created the wrong way,
in other words, gendisk_head->next is a pointer to itself.
It looks to me, that the "next" field in
/*static*/ struct gendisk *gendisk_head;
is not initialized (by the compiler ?) correctly to NULL.

> if (gp->part[n].nr_sects == 0)
> continue;

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