Re: [RFC] Standard way of generating assembler offsets

Pantelis Antoniou (
Tue, 09 Oct 2001 10:38:52 +0300

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george anzinger wrote:
> Georg Nikodym wrote:
> >
> > At the risk of sticking my foot in it, is there something wrong with the
> > ANSI C offsetof() macro, defined in <stddef.h>?
> >
> > --Georg
> No, and it could have been (and was) written prio to ANSI C defining
> it. Something like:
> #define offsetof(x, instruct) &((struct instruct *)0)->x
> The issues that CPP resolves have to deal with the following sort of
> structure:
> struct instruct {
> struct foo * bar;
> int diddle_flag;
> int diddle_array[CONFIG_DIDDLE_SIZE];
> #endif
> int x;
> }
> Or for the simple need for a constant:
> #define Const (CONFIG_DIDDLE_SIZE * sizeof(int))
> Of course you could have any number of constant operators in the
> expression. Note also, that the array in the structure above is defined
> by a CONFIG symbol. This could also involve math, i.e.:
> and so on. All in all, it best to let CPP do what it does best and
> scarf up the result:
> #define GENERATE_CONSTANT(name,c) printf(#name " equ %d\n",c)
> then:
> In the code we did, we put all the GENERATE macros in a .h file. The
> the code looked like:
> #include.... all the headers needed....
> #include <generate.h>
> GENERATE.... all the generate macro calls...
> } // all done (assumes that the "main(){" is in the generate.h file)
> This whole mess was included as comments in the asm file. The make rule
> then used a sed script to extract it, compile and run it to produce a
> new header file which the asm source included outside of the above
> stuff.
> George

My script already handles that, everything is first passed through
CPP and the member offset are varied correctly according to any
compilation options.

I included the script and the results of two runs.

1. ./h2inc tst.h >

2. ./h2inc --cflags="-DSHOW_HIDDEN -I./" >

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#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use integer;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::stat;

my $CC = "cc";
my $CFLAGS = "-I./";
my $CPPFLAGS = "-E -dD";
my $OBJCOPY = "objcopy";
my $OBJFLAGS = "-O binary";

sub find_32bit_type;
sub target_endianess;
sub alligned_type_size;
sub base_type_size;
sub members_offset;
sub tmpfile;
sub inputfile;
sub decode_type;
sub decode_member;
sub find_complex_member_name;
sub find_matching_brace;

$Getopt::Long::ignorecase = 0; # Don't ignore case

my @filelist = ();

GetOptions (
"cc=s" => \$CC,
"cflags=s" => \$CFLAGS,
"cppflags=s" => \$CPPFLAGS,
"objcopy=s" => \$OBJCOPY,
"objflags=s" => \$OBJFLAGS

`$CC 2>/dev/null -v`;
die "Compiler is not present", if $? != 0;

my $u32 = &find_32bit_type();
my $endianess = &target_endianess($u32);

for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) {
$_ = $ARGV[$i];
# print STDERR "file: $_\n";
push @filelist, $_;

$#filelist >= 0 || die "Filename missing\n";

my %members = ();
my %typedefs = ();
my %structs = ();
my %unions = ();

my %ilist = (); # hash of included files
my $ilist;

my $defines;

foreach $f (@filelist) {

$f = basename($f);

%ilist = ();
undef $ilist;

$defines = "";


my @defines = split(/\n/, $defines);

my $incfile = $f;
$incfile =~ s/\.h$/.inc/g;
$incfile =~ s/\S*\/(\S+\.inc)/$1/g;
my $incfiledef = "_" . uc($incfile);
$incfiledef =~ s/\./_/g;

print "#ifndef $incfiledef\n";
print "#define $incfiledef\n\n";

if (defined ($ilist)) {
my $if;
foreach $if (split /\s/, $ilist) {
$if =~ s/\.h$/.inc/g;
$if =~ s/\S*\/(\S+\.inc)/$1/g;
$if = basename($if);
print "#include \"$if\"\n";
print "\n";

my @offsets;
my $b;
my $i;
my $j;
my $k;
foreach $b (sort keys %members) {
my @m = split /\s/, $members{$b};
my $m;
print "/****************************************************************\n\n";
print "\tOffsets for $b\n\n";
print "****************************************************************/\n\n";

my $size_define;
my $complete_type;

if ($typedefs{$b}) {
$complete_type = $b;
$size_define = $b . "_SIZE";
} elsif ($structs{$b}) {
$complete_type = "struct $b";
$size_define = "struct_" . $b . "_SIZE";
} elsif ($unions{$b}) {
$complete_type = "union $b";
$size_define = "union_" . $b . "_SIZE";
} else { die; }

@offsets = &members_offset($endianess, $u32, "#include \"$f\"\n", $complete_type, \@m);

$j = 0;
foreach (@offsets) {
my $cm = $m[$j++];
my @cm = split(/\./, $cm);
for ($k = 0; $k <= $#defines; $k++) {
my @tt = split(/\s+/, $defines[$k]);
if (defined($tt[2]) && $tt[2] eq $cm) {
# print STDERR "define alias found for $cm\n";
$defines[$k] = "/* $tt[1] removed as an alias for $cm */";
@cm = ($tt[1]);
$cm = join('_', @cm);
printf("#define %-30s %3d\n", $cm, $_);

printf("#define %-30s %3d\n", $size_define, &base_type_size($endianess, $u32, "#include \"$f\"\n", $complete_type));

print "\n";

$defines = join("\n", @defines);

if ($defines ne "") {
print "/****************************************************************\n\n";
print "\tSimple defines list \n\n";
print "****************************************************************/\n\n";
print "$defines\n\n";

print "#endif\n";


sub inputfile {
my $file = shift(@_);
$file = basename($file);
my @wf = (); # whole file
my $wf = '';
my $size;
my $align;

# print STDERR "Processing : $file\n";

my $tmp = &tmpfile();
my $tmp_c = $tmp . ".c";
my $tmp_o = $tmp . ".o";

local $SIG{'INT'} =
sub {
unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
die $_[0];

open(TMPFILE, ">$tmp_c") || die;
print TMPFILE "#include \"$file\"\n";
# first verify that the header file is correct
`$CC $CFLAGS -c $tmp_c -o $tmp_o`;
if ($? != 0) {
# try system wide include
open(TMPFILE, ">$tmp_c") || die;
print TMPFILE "#include \<$file\>\n";
# first verify that the header file is correct
`$CC $CFLAGS -c $tmp_c -o $tmp_o`; die, if ($? != 0);
unlink $tmp_o; # remove object file

# open(LOGFILE, ">log.i") || die;

# print LOGFILE "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $tmp_c |\n";

open(CPPPIPE, "$CC $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $tmp_c |") || die;

$wf = "";
my $cf = ""; # current file - only output for current file

my $last;
my $lll;

while (<CPPPIPE>) {
# print LOGFILE $_;
$lll = $_;
if (s/\\$//) {
$_ .= <CPPPIPE>; redo;
} # check for escape at the end of line
$last = $_;
my $ll = $_;
if (! /\s*\#\s*/) {
if (basename($cf) eq basename($file)) {
$wf .= "$_\n";
# print STDERR "\$\_='$_'\n";
# print STDERR "o: \$\_='$_', \$\`='$`', \$\&='$&', \$\'='$'\n";
if (/\s+[0-9]+\s*\"([^\"].*)\"/) {
# print STDERR "$cf - $1\n";
my $c = basename($1);
if (!defined($ilist{$c})) {
next, if ($c eq basename($tmp_c)); # do not add the dummy
if ($c ne basename($file) &&
basename($cf) eq basename($file)) { # do not add self, and only directly included
# print STDERR "$ll: $1\n";
$ilist{$c} = 1;
if (defined($ilist)) {
$ilist .= " $c";
} else {
$ilist = $c;
$cf = basename($1);
} elsif (/\s*define\s*([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) {
# $_ = $';
next, if ($cf ne $file);
# print STDERR "\$lll='$lll'\n\$last='$last'\n\$\_='$_'\n\$\`='$`'\n\$\&='$&'\n\$\'='$'\n";
my $defname = $1;
next, if (/\(.*\)/); # ignore arguments
$_ = $';
if (/\S+.*$/) {
my $what = $&;
# next, if ($what =~ /[()]/); # only simple defines pass
# $defines .= "#define $defname $1\n";
# print STDERR "1-> '$defname' '$what'\n";
$defines .= sprintf("#define %-30s %s\n", $defname, $what);
} else {
# print STDERR "2-> $defname\n";
$defines .= sprintf("#define %-30s\n", $defname);
} else {
# print STDERR "$_";

# close(LOGFILE);

# print STDERR "FILE:\n" . $wf ."FEND:\n";
$wf =~ s/([*;,.!~{}()+\-\\\/\[\]])/ $1 /gsx; # add spaces
$wf =~ s/\s+/ /gsx;
# print STDERR $wf;
@wf = split /\s/, $wf;

$i = 0;
OUTTER: while ($i < ($#wf + 1)) {
# print STDERR "$i: '$wf[$i]'\n";
if ($wf[$i] eq "typedef" && $wf[$i+1] eq "struct") {
&decode_type(\@wf, \$i);
} elsif ($wf[$i] eq "typedef" && $wf[$i+1] eq "union") {
&decode_type(\@wf, \$i);
} elsif ($wf[$i] eq "struct") {
&decode_type(\@wf, \$i);
} elsif ($wf[$i] eq "union") {
&decode_type(\@wf, \$i);
} else {
close CPPPIPE;

unlink $tmp_c;

local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';

return 1;

sub decode_member {
my $wf = shift(@_); # reference to the whole body of the file
my $ms = shift(@_); # start of member definition
my $me = shift(@_); # end of member definition
my $ii;
my $i;
my $n;

# decode right to left
$i = $me;
$i--, if ($$wf[$i] eq ";");
while ($$wf[$i] eq "]") { # array definition, find match
# print STDERR "'$$wf[$i]'\n";
$n = 1;
do {
# print STDERR "'$$wf[$i]'\n";
$n++, if ($$wf[$i] eq "]");
$n--, if ($$wf[$i] eq "[");
} while ($n > 0 || $$wf[$i] ne "[");
while ($$wf[$i] eq ")") { # function pointer definition, find match
$n = 1;
$ii = $i;
# print STDERR "'$$wf[$ii]'\n";
do {
# print STDERR "'$$wf[$ii]'\n";
$n++, if ($$wf[$ii] eq ")");
$n--, if ($$wf[$ii] eq "(");
} while ($n > 0 || $$wf[$ii] ne "(");
# now check if next token is a pointer then we've found it
# print STDERR "i=$i, ii=$ii, '" . $$wf[$ii] . "' '" . $$wf[$ii+1] . "' '" . $$wf[$ii+2] . "'\n";
if ($i - $ii == 3 && $$wf[$ii+1] eq "*") { # found it!
$i = $ii + 2;
} else {
$i = $ii - 1;
# print STDERR "found; $$wf[$i]\n";
return $$wf[$i];

sub find_complex_member_name {
my $wf = shift(@_); # reference to the whole body of the file
my $k = shift(@_); # start of member definition
my $last = shift(@_); # end of member definition

my $ct = $$wf[$k];
my $ccs = $k + 2;
my $n = 0;
do {
$n++, if ($$wf[$k] eq "{");
$n--, if ($$wf[$k] eq "}");
} while ($n > 0);
my $cce = $k;
my $cs = $k;
$k++, while ($$wf[$k] ne ";");
my $ce = $k;
my $cn = &decode_member($wf, $cs, $ce);
return $cn;

sub find_matching_brace {
my $wf = shift(@_); # reference to the whole body of the file
my $k = shift(@_); # start of member definition
my $last = shift(@_); # end of member definition

my $n = 0;
do {
$n++, if ($$wf[$k] eq "{");
$n--, if ($$wf[$k] eq "}");
} while ($n > 0);
$k++, while ($$wf[$k] ne ";");
return $k;

sub get_next_type_name {

sub decode_type {
my $wf = shift(@_); # reference to the whole body of the file
my $i = shift(@_); # reference to the token index at the file
my $n = 0; # nesting level
my $k;
my $j;
my $anchor;
my $first_brace;
my $last_brace;
my $trailer;
my @result = ();

$anchor = $$i; # keep this for later
# now find the brace
$j = $anchor;
# first find opening brace or terminating semicolon
$j++, while ($$wf[$j] ne "{" && $$wf[$j] ne ";");

if ($$wf[$j] eq ";") { # not a structure definition
$$i = $j + 1;
return "";
$first_brace = $j;

$n = 1;
do {
$n++, if ($$wf[$j] eq "{");
$n--, if ($$wf[$j] eq "}");
} while ($n > 0 || $$wf[$j] ne "}");

$last_brace = $j;

# find terminating semicolon
$j++, while ($$wf[$j] ne ";");

my $is_typedef = $$wf[$anchor] eq "typedef";
my $is_struct = $$wf[$anchor] eq "struct";
my $is_union = $$wf[$anchor] eq "union";
my $is_declaration = 0;
my $base_type;

if ($is_typedef) {
my $ii = $j - 1; # remove semicolon
# print STDERR "is_typedef\n";
# print STDERR "'$$wf[$ii]' ";
while ($$wf[$ii] eq "]") { # array definition, find match
$n = 1;
do {
# print STDERR "'$$wf[$ii]' ";
$n++, if ($$wf[$ii] eq "]");
$n--, if ($$wf[$ii] eq "[");
} while ($n > 0 || $$wf[$ii] ne "[");
$base_type = $$wf[$ii];
if ($$wf[$j-1] eq "]") {
$$i = $j;
print STDERR "typedef arrays not supported; skipping $base_type\n";
return "";
$typedefs{$base_type} = $is_typedef;
$structs{$base_type} = $is_struct;
$unions{$base_type} = $is_union;
} else {
# print STDERR "!is_typedef\n";
$base_type = $$wf[$anchor] . " " . $$wf[$anchor + 1];
$base_type = $$wf[$anchor + 1];
if ($base_type ne "{") {
$typedefs{$base_type} = $is_typedef;
$structs{$base_type} = $is_struct;
$unions{$base_type} = $is_union;
} else {
$is_declaration = 1;

# print STDERR "sizeof($base_type)\n";
my $ms; my $me; my $member; my @nt = ();
my $cs; my $ce; my $ct; my $cn; my $ccs; my $cce;

$ct = "";
$n = 0;
for ($ms = $first_brace + 1, $me = $first_brace+1; $me < $last_brace; ) {

# print STDERR "$$wf[$me-1] \>$$wf[$me]\< $$wf[$me+1]\n";

if (($$wf[$me] eq "union" || $$wf[$me] eq "struct") && $$wf[$me+1] eq "{") {
$cn = &find_complex_member_name($wf, $me, $last_brace);
# print STDERR "found $ct $cn\n";
if (! $is_declaration) {
if ($ct eq "struct" || length($cn) > 2) {
if (defined($members{$base_type})) {
$members{$base_type} .= " $cn";
} else {
$members{$base_type} = $cn;
$ms = $me + 2; $me = $ms;
push @nt, $cn;
# print STDERR "pushed $cn, \@nt = @nt\n";
if ($$wf[$me] eq "}") {
$cn = pop @nt;
# print STDERR "poped $cn, \@nt = @nt\n";
$me++, while ($me < $last_brace && $$wf[$me] ne ";");
$ms = $me + 1; $me = $ms;

$me++, while ($me < $last_brace && $$wf[$me] ne ";");
last, if ($me >= $last_brace);

$me--; # remove semicolon
last, if ($ms >= $me); # protection for empty types

if (! $is_declaration) {
$member = &decode_member($wf, $ms, $me);
# print STDERR "offsetof($base_type, $member)\n";
$member = join('.', @nt, $member);
if (defined($members{$base_type})) {
$members{$base_type} .= " $member";
} else {
$members{$base_type} = $member;
$ms = $me + 2; $me = $ms;

$$i = $j;

return "";

sub tmpfile {
my $tmp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP};
my $tmp_name = sprintf("%s/%s-%d-%d", $tmp_dir, basename($0), $$, time());
return $tmp_name;

sub target_endianess {
my $thirty_two_bits_type = shift(@_);
my $extra_code = shift(@_);
if (!defined($extra_code)) { $extra_code = ""; }
my $tmp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP};
my $tmp_name = sprintf("%s/%s-%d-%d", $tmp_dir, basename($0), $$, time());
my $tmp_c = "$tmp_name.c";
my $tmp_o = "$tmp_name.o";
my $tmp_bin = "$tmp_name.bin";
my $t_size;
my $sb;
my $fsize;
my $i;

unlink $tmp_c;

local $SIG{'INT'} =
sub {
unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;
die $_[0];

open(TMPFILE, ">$tmp_c") || die "Could not create temp file";
print TMPFILE "$extra_code\n";
print TMPFILE "const $thirty_two_bits_type tmp_val = 0x01234567LU;\n";

`$CC $CFLAGS -c $tmp_c -o $tmp_o`; die, if $? != 0;
`$OBJCOPY $OBJFLAGS $tmp_o $tmp_bin`; die, if $? != 0;

$sb = stat($tmp_bin);
$fsize = $sb->size;

my $read_bytes;
my $buf;
open(TMPFILE, "<$tmp_bin") || die "Could not open binary file";
($read_bytes = read TMPFILE, $buf, 4) == 4 || die "File has illegal size";
my @v;
($v[0], $v[1], $v[2], $v[3]) = unpack("C4", $buf);

unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;

local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';

if ($v[0] == 0x01 && $v[1] == 0x23 && $v[2] == 0x45 && $v[3] == 0x67) {
if ($v[3] == 0x01 && $v[2] == 0x23 && $v[1] == 0x45 && $v[0] == 0x67) {

sub alligned_type_size {
my $type = shift(@_);
my $type_val = shift(@_);
if (!defined($type_val)) { $type_val = "0"; }
my $array_size = shift(@_);
if (!defined($array_size)) { $array_size = 16; }
my $extra_code = shift(@_);
if (!defined($extra_code)) { $extra_code = ""; }

my $tmp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP};
my $tmp_name = sprintf("%s/%s-%d-%d", $tmp_dir, basename($0), $$, time());
my $tmp_c = "$tmp_name.c";
my $tmp_o = "$tmp_name.o";
my $tmp_bin = "$tmp_name.bin";
my $t_size;
my $sb;
my $fsize;
my $i;

# first find out the size of the size_t type

unlink $tmp_c;

local $SIG{'INT'} =
sub {
unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;
die $_[0];

open(TMPFILE, ">$tmp_c") || die "Could not create temp file";
print TMPFILE "$extra_code\n";
print TMPFILE "const $type tmp_array[$array_size] = {\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < $array_size; $i++) {
print TMPFILE "$type_val,\n";
print TMPFILE "};\n";

`$CC $CFLAGS -c $tmp_c -o $tmp_o`; die, if $? != 0;
`$OBJCOPY $OBJFLAGS $tmp_o $tmp_bin`; die, if $? != 0;

$sb = stat($tmp_bin);
$fsize = $sb->size;

$t_size = $fsize / $array_size;

unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;

local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';

return $t_size;

sub members_offset {
my $endianess = shift(@_); # big or little
my $thirty_two_bits_type = shift(@_);
my $extra_code = shift(@_); #
my $base = shift(@_); # base type
my $members = shift(@_); # member to find the offset
my $offset = 0;
my @offsets = ();
my $i;
my $j;

my $tmp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP};
my $tmp_name = sprintf("%s/%s-%d-%d", $tmp_dir, basename($0), $$, time());
my $tmp_c = "$tmp_name.c";
my $tmp_o = "$tmp_name.o";
my $tmp_bin = "$tmp_name.bin";

unlink $tmp_c;

local $SIG{'INT'} =
sub {
unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;
die $_[0];

open(TMPFILE, ">$tmp_c") || die "Could not create temp file";
print TMPFILE "$extra_code\n";
print TMPFILE "#include <stddef.h>\n";

$j = $#$members + 1;
print TMPFILE "const $thirty_two_bits_type offset_table[$j] = {\n";
foreach (@$members) {
print TMPFILE "\toffsetof($base, $_),\n";
print TMPFILE "};\n";


`$CC $CFLAGS -c $tmp_c -o $tmp_o`; die, if $? != 0;
`$OBJCOPY $OBJFLAGS $tmp_o $tmp_bin`; die, if $? != 0;

my $read_bytes;
my $buf;
open(TMPFILE, "<$tmp_bin") || die "Could not open binary file";

for ($i = 0; $i < $j; $i++) {
($read_bytes = read TMPFILE, $buf, 4) == 4 || die "File has illegal size";
if ($endianess eq "big") {
($offset) = unpack("N", $buf); # big endian 32 bits
} else {
($offset) = unpack("V", $buf); # little endian 32 bits
push @offsets, $offset;


unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;

local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';


sub base_type_size {
my $endianess = shift(@_); # big or little
my $thirty_two_bits_type = shift(@_);
my $extra_code = shift(@_); #
my $base = shift(@_); # base type
my $size = 0;

my $tmp_dir = -d '/tmp' ? '/tmp' : $ENV{TMP} || $ENV{TEMP};
my $tmp_name = sprintf("%s/%s-%d-%d", $tmp_dir, basename($0), $$, time());
my $tmp_c = "$tmp_name.c";
my $tmp_o = "$tmp_name.o";
my $tmp_bin = "$tmp_name.bin";

unlink $tmp_c;

local $SIG{'INT'} =
sub {
unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;
die $_[0];

open(TMPFILE, ">$tmp_c") || die "Could not create temp file";
print TMPFILE "$extra_code\n";
print TMPFILE "#include <stddef.h>\n";
print TMPFILE "const $thirty_two_bits_type size = sizeof($base);\n";

`$CC $CFLAGS -c $tmp_c -o $tmp_o`; die, if $? != 0;
`$OBJCOPY $OBJFLAGS $tmp_o $tmp_bin`; die, if $? != 0;

my $read_bytes;
my $buf;
open(TMPFILE, "<$tmp_bin") || die "Could not open binary file";
($read_bytes = read TMPFILE, $buf, 4) == 4 || die "File has illegal size";
if ($endianess eq "big") {
($size) = unpack("N", $buf); # big endian 32 bits
} else {
($size) = unpack("V", $buf); # little endian 32 bits


unlink $tmp_c;
unlink $tmp_o;
unlink $tmp_bin;

local $SIG{'INT'} = 'DEFAULT';


sub find_32bit_type {
my $sizeof_int = &alligned_type_size("int", "0", 16, "");
my $sizeof_short = &alligned_type_size("short", "0", 16, "");
my $sizeof_long = &alligned_type_size("long", "0", 16, "");
my $u32;

if ($sizeof_int == 4) {
$u32 = "unsigned int"; $s32 = "signed int";
} elsif ($sizeof_long == 4) {
$u32 = "unsigned long"; $s32 = "signed long";
} elsif ($sizeof_short == 4) {
$u32 = "unsigned short"; $s32 = "signed short";
} else {
die "Not one 32 bit type found!\n";
return $u32;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

#ifndef TST_H
#define TST_H

#include "tst2.h"

#define TST_DEF 0x10

struct tst {
int tst_member_a;
union {
char *tst_u_str;
} tst_member_b;
int tst_hidden;


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

#ifndef TST2_H
#define TST2_H


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

#ifndef _TST_INC
#define _TST_INC

#include ""


Offsets for tst


#define tst_member_a 0
#define tst_member_b 4
#define tst_member_b_tst_u_str 4
#define struct_tst_SIZE 8


Simple defines list


#define TST_H
#define TST_DEF 0x10


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

#ifndef _TST_INC
#define _TST_INC

#include ""


Offsets for tst


#define tst_member_a 0
#define tst_member_b 4
#define tst_member_b_tst_u_str 4
#define tst_hidden 8
#define struct_tst_SIZE 12


Simple defines list


#define TST_H
#define TST_DEF 0x10


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline;

#ifndef _TST2_INC
#define _TST2_INC


Simple defines list


#define TST2_H



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