Re: [Ext2-devel] disk throughput

Riley Williams (
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 22:35:17 +0000 (GMT)

Hi Al, Linus.

>> For example, spreading out (and the inherent assumption of "slow
>> growth") might make sense for the root directory, and possibly for a
>> level below that. It almost certainly does _not_ make sense for a
>> directory created four levels down.

> Depends on the naming scheme used by admin, for one thing. Linus, I
> seriously think that getting the real-life traces to play with would
> be a Good Thing(tm) - at least that would allow to test how well
> would heuristics of that kind do.

Let's be realistic here - you two seem to be talking at cross-purposes,
and that will get us precicely nowhere.

Linus: If I'm right, your "root directory" refers to the root
directory of a particular partition. Correct?

Al: If I'm right, your "root directory" refers to the root
directory of the entire VFS tree. Correct?

If you can try reading each other's comments with both of the above
definitions, I think you'll see why you're clearly drifting apart from
each other in your comments.

Best wishes from Riley.

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