Re: Nazi kernels

John Cavan (
Sat, 10 Nov 2001 23:03:48 -0500 wrote:

> Hi!
> Thank You guys for Your work. I'm say goodbye to linux community,
> because nazi kernel's don't allow me to load modules needed for my
> graphic card. What will be next, maybe you disable to run non GPL
> executables under linux ?

I'd suggest that you get a clue about what you're talking about before
spouting off nonsense. The license code in the kernel doesn't prohibit
anything, it simply provides a means of determining if the kernel is
running closed code and thus out of the scope of the kernel maintainers.

Frankly, any comparison of SOFTWARE to the horrific evil of the Nazi
party is an abomination. For that alone, you really don't earn the price
of admission to anything involving a brain. I can't begin to fathom the
thought processes of an individual who would belittle the suffering,
pain, and sacrifices of those who experience that time period with such
a comparison.

I'm sure you're proud.


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