Re: I'd like a bit of help on tracing my oops

Chris Vaill (
12 Nov 2001 18:17:29 -0500

On Mon, 2001-11-12 at 17:06, Christopher Friesen wrote:
> At this point I'm not entirely certain how to track down the exact line of code
> where it's dying. If I am reading it right, then the program counter was at
> 90016720, is this correct? Then disassembling vmlinux in gdb should give me the
> instruction corresponding to that address, at which point I need to correlate
> that to the actual code to figure out what's happening, correct? Is it expected
> that disassembling vmlinux will give the same code as doing a make <file.s> in
> the linux tree?

What I like to do is to add -g to CFLAGS in Makefile. Then you can do
an "objdump -S vmlinux" and see the original source interspersed with
the disassembled code.


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