Re[2]: Microsoft IE6 is crashing with Linux 2.4.X

Nerijus Baliunas (
Sun, 18 Nov 2001 00:50:28 +0200 (EET)

On Fri, 16 Nov 2001 01:45:28 -0700 "Jeff V. Merkey" <> wrote:

JVM> The mail server was down for over 9 hours today. Suffice to say if
JVM> you are using RedHat Seawolf with Sendmail 8.11.X you need to upgrade
JVM> to 8.12.00 and enable UseMSP=Yes and set up the indirect submission
JVM> methods for smmsp:smmsp. I used tcpdump and determined that IE6 will
JVM> send "hidden" emails to addresses at (they appeared random). I
JVM> have no idea why it is doing this, but these emails appeared to contain
JVM> system level information. There was also obvious (and very nasty) packet
JVM> corruption from IE6 that sendmail 8.11.X does not handle very well at all
JVM> whe it gets these corrupted packets.

Just to be sure - do you have latest antivirus updates?


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