Re: copy to user

(no name) ((no email))
Wed, 21 Nov 2001 11:02:39 +0000

> If you put the process in (un)interruptible sleep in the kernel, won't this
> be enough? This is different than SIGSTOP. Is the requirement that this
> process not leave the kernel call, or that it is actually consuming CPU
> cycles as well?

The process needs to be using CPU time, however, there must be a chance to
the scheduler to change the current process... if this occurs, than the delay
has to be aborted.

> > About using udelay... this soluction seemed fine to me at first but if I
> > hang the CPU with udelay the scheduler will no be doing it's job (isn't
> > it?). This would give me even more intrusiveness (another requirement:
> > the less intrusiveness as possible).
> It would probably work OK on an SMP system, since tasks can still be run
> on the other CPU.
> Cheers, Andreas

Luís Henriques
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