Re: Linux FSCP (Frequently Submitted Compilation Problems)? (was: Re: Loop.c File !!!!)

Mike Fedyk (
Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:18:00 -0800

On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 08:28:58AM +0100, DevilKin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a thought. Don't shoot the messenger/idiot that thought of it.
> >He's doubtless referring to the deactivate_page()
> >thing that's been talked to death on this list for
> >the past 2 weeks...
> I'm getting rather annoyed with the same problem being reported/asked about
> over and over again...
> Is there - or would it be nice it it would be here - a list of recent
> compilation problems encountered with stock kernels (and what to do about
> it)? (see the loop.c thingy recently, and other problems with other stock
> kernels). So we could just point the people to that thing instead of having
> these 'discussions' over and over again...
> It could be about only the 'full' versions, or maybe the 'pre' kernels
> too...
> Maybe it would even be possible to add keywords to the filtering procs of
> the lkml, so that those persons would get a sort of -automatic- email on
> the subject...
> Just a thought...

I'm sorry, but the posts that are flooding the list are well deserved.

It is a great way to encourage more testing before a new "stable" kernel is

I don't like it as much as anyone else, but it is a great motivator.

Don't fix it, this system is working the way it should. Most people
will just post anyway.

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