Re: 2.4.14/2.4.15 cpia driver IS broke.. no its parport

Joe (
Sat, 24 Nov 2001 13:19:35 -0800

Okay I have done some more research and found out what is happening!
After further testing I have found out that the problem with the parport driver
is actually in the ieee1294 code. One of the changes in the file
drivers/parport/ieee1294_ops.c is causing problems. (for me atleast)

The code has changed from calls to parport_frob_control() to calls to
parport_write_control ().(Fine)

The problem is that in the call to acknowledge the handshake (Event 44? about
line592) the call to parport_frob_control or parport_pc_frob_control as it is
#defined to is called with a 0 which I think causes the code to call
parport_pc_data_forward and the new code just calls parport_pc_data_reverse.
I think that we may need to call the parport_pc_data_forward still.

- parport_write_control (port, ctl); // new code
+ parport_frob_control (port, PARPORT_CONTROL_AUTOFD, 0); //old
working code


> I have been doing some testing and debugging and found out that something in
> the 2.4.14 parport driver is breaking my webcam II. I have a patch that
> reverts out all the changes in 2.4.14 parport driver back to 2.4.13 and the
> driver now works. I am going to do some more testing and see if I can narrow
> the code down. Right now the patch is about 700+ lines, but reverts out
> ALL the parport changes.
> My hardward is a VIA chipset (686). It is the ABiT KT7A MB.
> What's happening is that the cpia is being recgonized, but the video device
> is not accessable. This is in both 2.4.15 and 2.4.14, with the creative
> WebCam II.
> In the /proc/cpia/video0 file it shows the CPIA version as 0.00 instead of
> 1.20.

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