Re: Kernel Releases

Nathan Dabney (
Sun, 25 Nov 2001 11:03:15 -0800

On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 09:24:21PM +1100, Keith Owens wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Nov 2001 01:25:07 -0800,
> Nathan Dabney <> wrote:
> >We will be running all the available tests (until that list gets too large
> >to be possible) on each kernel the morning after it's released.
> Have you been following the kbuild 2.5 developments[1]? Linus has
> agreed that this change will go in early in the 2.5 cycle, that will
> impact on all automated testing for 2.5. There will be both good and
> bad impacts, the bad is the initial changeover, the good is a much
> cleaner build process and the ability to build multiple configurations
> from a single source tree.
> [1]

Yes, we will be able to add another method for (auto) kernel configuration when
this becomes an issue (hopefully RSN).

Currently the method we use to "sanitize" submitted kernel configs for our
hardware is as reliable as you can get under CML1. It doesn't however, give
us a good way to build multiple configurations.

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