Re: [Fwd: Re: OOPS in agpgart (2.4.13, 2.4.15pre7)]

Robert Love (
26 Nov 2001 16:07:28 -0500

On Mon, 2001-11-26 at 06:47, Nicolas Aspert wrote:

> It seems like you have pointed out the problem... From what you had sent
> previously (the output of 'lspci' on your machine), and what the Intel
> doc says, it looks to me like the code for i830 initialization is not
> correct for your version of the chipset. But I am not too sure of what
> is to be done in that case... should we switch back to a 'classic' AGP
> initialization, similar to the other i8xx chipsets (820/840/860...) ?
> Robert (or somebody else), any clue about this one ?

It looks like you got it right ... at any rate, you know as much as me
about a chipset neither of us have (ie, we have docs), so its all a

Has the user tried your patch? Results?

Robert Love

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