Re: 2.4.12 ... 2.4.16, /dev/tty

Yaroslav Popovitch (
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 16:00:52 +0200 (EET)

I also tested my 2.4.10-17 for tty bug,it was there.And I found that bug
exists if I do the full installation of our distributive.

> Hi,
> still having problems (starting with kernel 2.4.12) with
> the /dev/tty device:
> When logging in on the console and trying the "ps" command,
> is will list _all_ processes and not only those which are
> attached to the controlling terminal. This seemed a little
> bit suspicious.
> Now, trying
> echo some text >/dev/tty
> returns
> bash: /dev/tty: No such device or address
> Now trying the command
> tty
> says
> /dev/tty1
> Now, I tried
> echo some text >/dev/tty1
> It echoed correctly
> some text
> on the console.
> Then, I tried
> echo some text >/dev/tty
> Now (!!!???) it echoes correctly "some text".
> It seems that the cmd
> echo some text > `tty`
> will repair something, but I don't no what and why.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> The above described problem first appeared with Kernel 2.4.12,
> I tried the following kernels (now 2.4.16), BUT WITH NO SUCCESS.
> Kernel 2.4.10 was _not buggy_.
> Additionally, the problem does not arise on all my LINUX workstations,
> but only on some. And it does not depend on the harware platform.
> And is does not depend on the distribution. Both on RedHat 7.1 ans
> Redhat 7.2 having the problem.
> Regards
> Joachim Backes
> --
> Joachim Backes <> | Univ. of Kaiserslautern
> Computer Center, High Performance Computing | Phone: +49-631-205-2438
> D-67653 Kaiserslautern, PO Box 3049, Germany | Fax: +49-631-205-3056
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