RE: Coding style - a non-issue

Dana Lacoste (
Fri, 30 Nov 2001 10:19:26 -0800

Any chance that you guys could calm down a bit?

I bet the guys in Redmond who were referred to
earlier are enjoying it, but it's just trash for
the rest of us....

> Henning, perhaps you can explain to me how the following isn't a
> "I don't do XYZ"
> "XYZ"
> statement?

This one I understood though :
Al made a personal attack. He defended against the attack,
and preluded his defence with a disclaimer.

This issue has gone beyond productivity to personal name calling
and spurious defence. Can we all just move on a bit maybe?


Dana Lacoste      - Linux Developer
Peregrine Systems -  Ottawa, Canada
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