Re: Coding style - a non-issue

Horst von Brand (
Sat, 01 Dec 2001 20:18:06 -0300

Victor Yodaiken <> said:


> Linux is what it is because of design, not accident. And you know
> that better than anyone.

I'd say it is better because the mutations themselves (individual patches)
go through a _very_ harsh evaluation before being applied in the "official"
sources. There is a population of kernels out there (each developer has a
few, distributions check out others, ...), only what survives there has got
a chance to be considered for inclusion.

Sure, this is not the only way Linux moves forward. But it is a large
factor in the success of "Release early. Release often. Take patches from

Horst von Brand                   
Casilla 9G, Vin~a del Mar, Chile                               +56 32 672616
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