Re: Data sitting and remaining in Send-Q

Jan-Benedict Glaw (
Mon, 24 Dec 2001 21:17:26 +0100

On Mon, 2001-12-24 15:09:07 -0500, Mr. James W. Laferriere <>
wrote in message <>:
> Hello Jan , Is this possibly related to a ECN enabled host &
> somewhere in between a Non-ECN enabled (or a cisco router) ?

That would give a different result: "functional TCP connections" or
"non-functional TCP connections". Mine are between that. If data gets
sent in small chunks, everything is fine, but if it's a larger
transfer (more than one ethernet frame may transport???), write()
stalls (or non-blocking write returns), but data is kept in
Send-Q rather than being sent down to the client.

Well, my setup is a LAN, everything here is fully functional wrt.
ECN. I've never switched ECN off, and 2.4.x is running since ages
on the boxes around. So it's definitely *not* ECN in this case:-(


Jan-Benedict Glaw   .   .   +49-172-7608481
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