newbie with a qlogic host bus adapter

root (
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 15:09:32 -0700

I have a Qlogic qla2200f host bus adapter for an optical SAN. I am
running SuSE linux 7.1, I just downloaded kernel 2.4.17 sources and want
to compile a kernel. But when I "make menuconfig"
I go into scsi support, and into scs low level drivers, the qlogic
"qla2x00 QLC driver support" is not an option as it should be according
to the documentation for the qla2200.
how do i fix that?

also i tried to just compile the drivers to be modules, but i get the
error: /usr/src/linux-2.4/include/linux/modversions.h: No such file or

where can I get this file?

Thankyou much.
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