Re: probably very irrelevant oops

Matt Bernstein (
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 22:53:31 +0000 (GMT)

At 12:53 -0800 Andrew Morton wrote:

>> find /lib/modules/2.4.17-expt/kernel/ -type f|while read i; do insmod $i; done


>You're sick. I like you.

I'm only using the sledgehammers you guys give me :)

>It appears that one of the modules failed to unregister itself
>from the global driver list. Then when the next module went
>walking the list, it tried to refer to the bad module's vmalloc'ed
>One strange thing: why was it `modprobe' which crashed? Were you
>not purely running `rmmod' at the time?

I was, but maybe magicdev or something got in the way. I'll try it with no
GUI or any crazy daemons loaded.

>The bug probably is in the module which immediately preceded
>es1371 in your /proc/modules output. Could you please load
>them all up again, send me your /proc/modules output?

I will do, when I'm back at work. I don't fancy remote crashing my

>Also, change your scripts to print out the names of the modules
>as they're being loaded and unloaded, run the test again and
>see which modules were being loaded/unloaded shortly before the

Sure :)

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