Re: mprotect() api overhead.

Alan Cox (
Sat, 23 Mar 2002 01:03:00 +0000 (GMT)

> For x86 system, is there way to specify 4MB page table entry
> instead of 4K page table entry when use the mmap() api.
> With 4MB mmap() page table entry, mprotected should take only
> 8 iterations to change the access bits for 32 MB of share
> memory as compare to 8k iterations for 4k page table entries.
> Am I corrected on this?

The mainstream kernel has no real support for 4Mb pages - some experimental
work has been done but little else. Even then the TLB flush has a non
trivial overhead. On SMP the effect will be more significant since it
must ensure the other threads on other processors also see updated page

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