Re: [PATCH] 2.5.14 IDE 56

Padraig Brady (
Fri, 10 May 2002 13:01:10 +0100

Martin Dalecki wrote:
> Uz.ytkownik Linus Torvalds napisa?:
>> But there is definitely a potential backwards-compatibility-issue.
> Linus - there are no backward compatibility issues here.
> No single application from my system does mess with /proc/ide.
> They showed you a list of programs which use /proc and not a list
> of programs which use anything out of /proc/ide...

To be thorough, I greped for /proc/ide not just /proc,
the exact command was:

find /sbin /usr/sbin /bin /usr/bin /lib /usr/lib /usr/bin/X11/ -xdev
-perm +111 | xargs grep -l /proc/ide 2>/dev/null


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