[ANNOUNCE] New lksctp release: lksctp-2_5_15-0_4_9

Jon Grimm (jgrimm2@us.ibm.com)
Tue, 28 May 2002 09:53:14 -0500

Linux Kernel SCTP Developer Release lksctp-2_5_15-0_4_9 is now available
for download.

The lksctp project was created to develop a Linux kernel implementation
of the SCTP transport protocol.

For more information, as well as, source tarballs and patches, please


Best Regards,
Jon Grimm

The following is the list of changes since the last public release

Patch 554705 Locking phase 1 (off the BH, use socklock and backlog)
Bug 550363 Shutdown handling of CTSN incorrect (jgrimm)
Patch 558565 testframe ipv4 only, doesn't compile (samudarala)
Patch 556572 Fix INADDR_ANY and some IPv4 scoping (daisyc)
Patch 559801 Cleanup old locking stuff and various naming/style (jgrimm)

Patch 557034 Port to 2.5.15 (samudrala)
Patch 550903 sys_bindx removal (inaky, samudarala)

Mon May 20 08:55:12 CDT 2002
Patch 546328 sctp_transport cleanup (jgrimm)
Bug 545852 sk->err cleanup (samudrala)
Bug 547147 association leaks the inqueue->in_progress chunk (jgrimm)
Bug 541065 fix port_rover race conditition in bind path (jgrimm)
Patch 544577 heartbeat ack and failover (dajiang)
NA Make lksctp a module (inaky)
NA bindx over sockopt (inaky)
Patch 547885 Split out v6 code and cleanup module patch (jgrimm)
Patch 544583 ft_frame_hbACK updates (dajiang, huang)
Patch 547340 fix testframe for "run once" (samudrala)
Patch 548772 sctp_lock primitives (jgrimm)
Patch 547319 naming cleanup in statefuns (daisyc)
Patch 549266 sctp_lock unittests (jgrimm)
Patch 548815 Disable fragments option and more tests. (samudrala)
Patch 550400 Add OOTB testcase (daisyc)
Patch 550520 transport & association error thresholds (samudrala)
NA fix ft_frame_init_timer to not conflict with OOTB (jgrimm)
Patch 549356 Small fixes and cleanup of bindx code (inaky)
Patch 549360 bindx through sockopt (inaky)
Patch 551716 Start using sctp_opts field instead of endpoint (jgrimm)
Patch 551657 RTT Measurements and RTO updates (samudrala)
Patch 552084 sctp_endpoint_common (jgrimm)
Patch 553100 Testcase for RTT Measurements (samudrala)
Bug 553329 Sendmsg + INIT CMSG has path which can corrupt assoc
Patch 553394 Move sctp_association to use endpoint_common (jgrimm)
Patch 553528 rtx and heartbeat failures cleanup (samudrala)
Patch 553844 OOTB packet processing (daisyc)

Fri Apr 19 10:47:41 CDT 2002
Bug 541198 Old-style retval->state races with CMD (jgrimm)
Patch 541820 listen auto-bind support (samudrala)
Patch 543421 Complete removal of retval structs/processing (jgrimm)
Patch 544908 Object Count Debugging facilities (jgrimm)
Patch 544806 Fix inqueue leak of chunks (daisyc)
Patch 544460 Fragmentation/Reassembly support (samudrala)
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